
CyberArk PSM Sessions Using Microsoft Edge

CyberArk PSM with Microsoft Edge

Install Microsoft Edge

Download and install microsoft edge. Ensure you select the correct operating system

Install Edge Driver

Check you version of Microsoft Edge. 1XX.X.XXXX.XX and download the x86 driver version.

Extract the zip file and copy the msedgedriver.exe to the follwoing location: “C:\Program Files (x86)\Cyberark\PSM\Components\msedgedriver.exe”

Secure Web Application Connectors Framework

Extract zip file in a temporary location. Copy all contents in the folder WebAppDispatcher-v13.0.0.87\Components And paste in C:\Program Files (x86)\Cyberark\PSM\Components This process will overwrite many files.

App locker

In the”– Allowed DLLs –” section add the follwoing line

    <Libraries Name="NATIVEIMAGES" Type="Dll" Path="%WINDIR%\ASSEMBLY\NATIVEIMAGES_V4.0.30319_32\*" Method="Path" SessionType="*" />

In the “– Microsoft Edge process –” section, uncomment the Edge application and add the EdgeDrive line.

    <Application Name="Edge" Type="Exe" Path="C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\msedge.exe" Method="Publisher" />
    <Application Name="EdgeDriver" Type="Exe" Path="C:\Program Files (x86)\Cyberark\PSM\Components\msedgedriver.exe" Method="Publisher" />

In the “– Allowed DLLs –” section add NATIVEIMAGES. NOTE: this is different to the NATIVEIMAGES above.

    <Libraries Name="NATIVEIMAGES" Type="Dll" Path="%WINDIR%\ASSEMBLY\NATIVEIMAGES_V4.0.30319_32\*" Method="Path" />

PSM Components Options configuration

Administration -> Configuration Options

Configuraitons -> Connection Components

Duplicate an existing Chrome Connecton Component

Configuraitons -> Connection Components -> Connection Component ID -> Target Settings Change the value for “ClientApp” form Chrome to Edge

Configuraitons -> Connection Components -> Connection Component ID -> Target Settings -> Client Specific BrowserPath - Value =

C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\msedge.exe

EnableTrace - Value = Yes or No

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